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16 Jul, 2023 10:15 - 13:15

Venue: Swindon Dance

Box Office:

Centre for Advanced Training: Swindon Street Dance Audition

Want to take your dance training to the next level?

The Swindon Dance Centre for Advanced Training (CAT) is looking for dancers aged 1116 to join the Swindon Street Dance Programme. Sign up to audition and start dancing with CAT in September 2023.  

We invite anybody who has energy, commitment, potential and, most of all, passion for dance. If successful, you will get to train with likeminded dancers, improve your technique, creative approach, and experience training from industry leaders.

To audition, complete an online application form, and select your preferred date. If you have any questions about the application or audition procedure, contact us at cat@swindondance.org.uk.    




Sunday 16th July 2023 – 10:15am – 1:15pm


Location: Swindon Dance, Regent Circus, Swindon, SN1 1QF

Price: Free

Once you have registered further details will be sent to you via email. If you have any questions about the CAT, please do not hesitate to contact us cat@swindondance.org.uk.




Once you have submitted your online application form, we will contact you directly with specific details about the audition. The audition process will follow these steps: 

STEP 1 Complete an application form.  

STEP 2 Attend the audition and take part in a hip hop and creative class (90 minutes). Share a minute solo, in the style of your choice, and have a short discussion with the panel.  

STEP 3 You will be contacted with your results, either: offer of a place, a place on the reserve list, or if you have been unsuccessful on this occasion. 

Successful auditionees will be invited to a keeping touch day, later in the year.