You’ve got great potential in dance

You’ve been handed this card because a member of our team has seen great potential within you. We believe you have the talent, passion and commitment to excel in dance.


Swindon Dance’s Centre for Advanced Training (CAT) delivers world-class dance training to young talents aged 11-19. Our programmes cater to dedicated dancers with a passion for their art.

Comprising the Swindon Contemporary, Swindon Ballet, Swindon Street Dance, Exeter Contemporary,  Exeter Street Dance Programme (new for Sept 2024) and the Bournemouth Contemporary (pilot) Programme (starting November 2024), we are one of nine National CATs across the UK.





Our programmes run at the weekend during term time. Under the tutelage of industry-leading choreographers and artists, students delve into: 


• choreography







Talented young dancers join us from Wiltshire, Gloucestershire, and Dorset to embark on this transformative journey.

Supported by the Music and Dance Scheme under the Department for Education, grants make our training accessible, often free or at a subsidized fee. We’re also committed to alleviating additional financial burdens, covering travel, class reimbursements outside of those offered by CAT, performance tickets, and physiotherapy sessions when necessary.





New for September 2024! We are launching a Street Dance Programme in Exeter. After 15 successful years of running a Street Dance Programme in Swindon, we will now also be delivering one in the heart of Exeter. 







Starting in November 2024! We are launching a Bournemouth Contemporary (pilot) Programme. After 15 successful years of running Contemporary Programmes in Swindon and Exeter, we will now also be delivering one at Pavilion Dance South West.







A member of our team has seen your talent and with that in mind, we would to see you at one of our Experience Days and Auditions. If we have given you a ‘You’ve been spotted’ card it’s because we think you would benefit and thrive at our Centre for Advanced Training.

To express an interest in the CAT, experience days or auditions please click on the links below. 



Visit the Centre for Advanced Training and get involved in classes, experience a day in the life of a student and see what it would be like to join the CAT. 



Bournemouth Contemporary (pilot) Programme –  Thursday 30th & Friday 31st May 2024 @ Pavilion Dance South West



We invite anybody 11 – 19 years who has energy, commitment, and a passion for dance to audition. Click the link below to register your place. A member of the team will confirm your place booking with you and give more information about what to expect.



Swindon Contemporary Programme – Tuesday 28th May & Saturday 13th July 2024 @ Swindon Dance. 

Swindon Street Dance Programme – Tuesday 28th May & Sunday 14th July 2024 @ Swindon Dance. 

Swindon Ballet Programme – Tuesday 28th May & Saturday 13th July 2024 @ Swindon Dance. 

Exeter Contemporary Programme – Sunday 16th June 2024, DanSci Dance Studio

Exeter Street Dance Programme – Sunday 16th June 2024, DanSci Dance Studio

Bournemouth Contemporary (pilot) Programme – Saturday 21st September 2024, Pavilion Dance South West


CAT Graduates 

“Before I joined the CAT, I had dabbled in my childhood, teaching myself Michael Jackson routines and things I found on YouTube. Then I met friends who had some training and began sharing with me.

Compared to my peers in the industry I think I have a greater level of professionalism which I gained from the CAT programme and my tutors. That includes; punctuality, attitude and pushing to be/do my best” read more 




“I discovered the CAT through my secondary school. The CAT team came to give a workshop and recommended that some of the students should audition.

Being part of the CAT taught me of the different possibilities there are in dance. The scheme gave me a taste of what dance schools would be like and through working with such a variety of different people gave me a glimpse of how broad contemporary dance is” read more